How did I get here

I'm Heloísa Garcia, 28, a Brazilian generalist 3D artist and illustrator, graduated in audiovisual production.
I started my studies at Meliès Animation School in 2012, where I developed the short film Zeca & Gigi and was responsible for the entire production, including pre and post, which guaranteed me a good base of knowledge about animation and pipelines.
In 2013, I started working at MW2, a promotional gifts company, where I was responsible for modeling and rendering the various pieces we created.
From 2015, I started to work as a freelance 3D artist and participated in several interesting projects that added techniques and skills greatly.
From 2019 to 2020, I worked at Atmo Digital, a video and expo production company where my main role was to create the scenography of expos, but I also participated in animations and creation of mascots for clients.
Between 2020 and 2022, I also started a Twitch channel where I play, draw and talk to people about life and art.
Currently, I work in the Moochies Technologies games squad, where we develop smartwatch games for kids. The challenge is big, as games need to run on a small screen and with many limitations, but it has been a motivating challenge and I hope to grow more and more in the gaming industry.
I'm always updating the portfolio, studying and looking to improve my techniques and knowledge, and I can't wait to see what awaits me on this journey.